A fêmea do cavalo marinho (um peixe ósseo) deposita os ovos na bolsa do macho, que tem capacidade para até 2 mil filhotes e onde são fertilizados; o macho então os protege e nutri durante cerca de duas semanas (dependendo da espécie), até estarem prontos para serem expelidos através de contrações na bolsa. No momento do nascimento, vários cavalos marinhos "miniatura" emer
gem da bolsa, algo incrível que pode ser visto no vídeo abaixo.
"Pregnant" Seahorse
The female seahorse (bony fish) lays eggs in the male's pouch, which can carry up to 2000 babies at a time, where they are fertilize; then, the male protects and nourish them for about two weeks (depending on species) until they are ready to be expelled through contractions in the pouch. At birth, many "miniature" seahorses emerge from the pouch, something incredible that can be seen in the video below.
"Pregnant" Seahorse
The female seahorse (bony fish) lays eggs in the male's pouch, which can carry up to 2000 babies at a time, where they are fertilize; then, the male protects and nourish them for about two weeks (depending on species) until they are ready to be expelled through contractions in the pouch. At birth, many "miniature" seahorses emerge from the pouch, something incredible that can be seen in the video below.
Video: http://ow.ly/eE7Aw
Fonte/Source: http://ow.ly/eE6QM
Images by: Oceanwideimages.com
Outra foto/other photo: http://ow.ly/eE7we
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